Sunday, 14 July 2013

Tips & Trick: Boots Care

Do you own a pair of boots? If you do, then this is the last thing that you want to happen to your boots especially when you have an expensive boots. This boots is for one of my Cosplay character purposes.

So what's my tips in caring for my boots? 

Continue reading and you'll know how.

Firstly, you'll need:

Yes, it's a bag to keep your boots from all the dust and dirt and also boots keeper to keep your boots in shape which I bought at Daiso. Simple as that!

Let's begin our step-to-step on keeping the boots in a good shape:

This is how the boots keeper looks like.

You'll need to roll up the boots keeper and lock it up as shown above.

This how it'll look like after you roll and locked it.

Then you insert the boots keeper into the boots.
Ta-dah! Your boots is in good shape now.

After getting your boots in good shape, make sure to keep them in the bag to keep away from dust.

Place the boots in the bags. Make sure the boots is standing well.
Pull the bag up and tie a knot. Now, your boots will be safe away from dust.
(Looks like wrapped up bento to me. LOL)

What's next, if it's not about polishing your boots. There 2 types of polishing material, the cream texture type and the liquid type. I am using the liquid type but some says the cream texture is much better. I can't really justify that as I've only use liquid so far, might try the cream one next time.

That's all for my tips & tricks for now. If you have your own way of caring for your boots, do share with me.

Till then.

p/s: credit to my photographer a.k.a Kyon for these photos



  1. ow... this is the use of the thing i saw at daiso! hehe... nice! it does help to reshape and maintain the boots nicely!

  2. Yeah,it really does work and it's not that expensive at all. :3
